Snap-on Industrial's Custom Tools & Solutions Program

The Custom Tools & Solutions program works closely with customers to develop one-of-a-kind tools for critical tasks that enhance safety and reliability.
Snap-on Industrial

Do you have a specific task that requires a specialized, custom tool to get the job done? Then you need the Custom Tools & Solutions from Snap-on Industrial.

The Custom Tools & Solutions program works closely with customers to develop one-of-a-kind tools for critical tasks that enhance safety and reliability. All too often, tools are modified by end-users to handle an exact task. This course of action is not recommended, as modifying any tool can compromise its form, fit, or function, posing a danger to the technician. The smarter way to go is utilizing the specialized expertise of the Custom Tools & Solutions team.

When a request arises, Snap-on observes the task with your team and develops the ideal solution to address your unique application. The Custom Tools & Solutions team designs and engineers your new tool, and when approved, begins the manufacturing process to build it to exact specifications.

The Custom Tools & Solutions team designs thousands of tools each year for customers in aviation, transportation, natural resources, power generation and many other industries. No request is too big or too small; Snap-on Industrial relies on more than 100 years of design expertise to satisfy customers’ custom tooling needs.