6-axis CNC tool grinder

Mundelein, Illinois - Rollomatic, a machine tool manufacturer based in Le Landeron, Switzerland, maintains its global leadership position by announcing a new 6-axis CNC tool grinder for production grinding of a large variety of diverse cutting tools to enable its customers to achieve sustained competitive advantage.

Check out the 2016 IMTS Conference.

In-field use of the modified GrindSmart 629XW with SmartChanger has demonstrated that this machine lends itself ideally for increased productivity on an extended range of different high-performance cutting tools due to new software developments as well as larger HP, torque motor on rotary axis and higher rigidity of the machine base.

- Carbide endmills up to 20 mm (3/4”) with 5-axis version
- Carbide drills up to 12 mm (1/2”)
- Razor-sharp cutting edge with polish wheel
- Sticking of wheel with max. spindle load of 30%
- Step drills
- Form tools/drills
- Stepped endmills
- Miniature tools
- Porting tools
- Thread endmills
- Indexable inserts
- Reamers
- 20 HP “synchronous” direct-drive grinding spindle offer constant rpm with no chatter marks in flutes, as opposed to conventional “asynchronous” motors
- Enlarged coolant supply 30 gal/min.
- SmartChanger changes wheel packs during automatic tool change without loosing cycle time

Source: Rollomatic