Replacement parts for all Kurt vises and power drawbars are now available for easy buying on-line at www.kurtworkholding.com
Designed to speed up part replacement and avoid machine downtime, all product parts are conveniently indexed and cross referenced to schematic drawings for easy identification and ordering.
Order vise replacement parts now on-line for the following vise models: the world-famous Anglock® D-series of vises from 4 to 10 inch capacities, Self-Centering models, DoubleLock® models, CarvLock® models, Versatile Lock®, HD, PT, DU688 and MiniLock® models. Order PowerLock® drawbar parts for both automatic and mechanical models.
Also, Kurt's full line of branded merchandise can be ordered on-line. These products include soft goods such as shirts and caps. Hard goods include pens, key chains, rulers, clocks and coolers.
Kurt Manufacturing Company is a world leading designer and manufacturer of precision machine vises as well as custom engineered workholding. Sold throughout the world for over 40 years, the Kurt brand has become synonymous with high quality, high precision CNC machining.
See and buy replacement parts now on-line at www.kurtworkholding.com
Email: workholding@kurt.com
Call Kurt at 1-800-328-2565. Or write to Kurt Manufacturing Company, Industrial Products Division, 1325 Quincy Street NE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413. Fax: 877-226-7828.