Through its Primus Epic portfolio of cockpit solutions, Honeywell is now bringing advanced touchscreen technology to business jet cockpits. The Honeywell touchscreen forward displays will provide pilots with a more efficient and more enjoyable pilot experience by allowing them to interact with the cockpit just like they do with consumer electronic devices, but in this case getting easy access to flight management, communications, checklists and weather information.
Having received a Federal Aviation Administration technical standard order, Honeywell's new DU-1310 touchscreen will provide flight crews with more control of the cockpit by enabling the forward displays with touchscreen functionality as an alternative to a cursor control device or joystick. Touch screens can significantly improve operational efficiency in the cockpit, with much faster navigation through the commands and data. Previously, pilots could only perform the same operations using a cursor control device or joystick. By using a touchscreen, pilots can cut in half the time required to input data and control cockpit functions.
Honeywell's new DU-1310 touchscreen primary flight display and multifunction display is a drop-in replacement for the DU-1310 displays currently installed in Primus Epic cockpits. The new display will also reduce weight on the aircraft by 3 lb per display. In addition, with Honeywell's Avionics Protection Plan, operators can protect against a significant unplanned expense.