5-axis post processor

The Heidenhain TNC 5X Mill post processor was developed by CNC Software’s corporate post department working together with Heidenhain CNC engineers. This 5-axis post processor for Mastercam Mill supports the Heidenhain iTNC530, TNC620, and TNC640 controls. Its development became a priority due to worldwide demand. All Mastercam users that have a Heidenhain control will benefit from this newly developed post processor.

The Heidenhain TNC 5X Mill post processor includes support for the following:

  • iTNC530, TNC620, and TNC640 controls
  • PLANE commands (STAY, TURN, MOVE)
    • VECTOR
    • EULER
  • TCPM
    • TCPM (TNC640)
    • M128 (TNC530)
  • Multi-axis machining:
    • Rotary output
    • Vector output
  • Drilling
    • CYCLE 200 (Drilling)
    • CYCLE 205 (Universal Pecking)
    • CYCLE 203 (Universal Drilling)
    • CYCLE 207 (Rigid Tapping)
    • CYCLE 202 (Boring)
    • CYCLE 201 (Reaming)
  • Cutter comp (2D / 3D)
  • Subprograms
  • Safe Retract Routine
  • Coolant (X-style)
  • Canned text
  • Manual entry
  • HSM support (CYCL DEF 32)
  • Axis clamping
  • Work offsets (CYCL DEF 247 DATUM SETTING)
  • Transform operations (No subroutine output)
  • Rotary axis limit detection