CYCLONE CS-32 7-Axis CNC LatheSimultaneous Machining –Front & Backside
•1-3/8” Main Spindle Bar Capacity
•1-1/4” SubSpindle Bar Capacity (1.080” pass through)
•10-Horsepower 6,000-RPM Main Spindle
•5-Horsepower 6,000-RPM Sub Spindle
•Full Contouring “C” Axis on main spindle & subspindle
–not just positioning!
•27-Tool Positions, with 11-Driven Tools
Main Spindle& Main Spindle Tooling18-Tool Positions Total, with 7-Live Tools
•10 HP, 6000 rpm spindle
•C-Axis with full contouring and 360,000 positions & G12.1 Polar Coordinate Programming
•Dead-Length Collet Chuck –uses Brown & Sharpe #22, or TraubA-32 Collets (same on subspindle)
•4-Axis Servo Motor Control –X1, Y, Z1& C1axis
•6-Turning Tools -½” x ½” x 5” or 12mm x 12mm, (Optional 5-Turning Tools, 5/8” or 16mm)
•5-End Working Static Drill /Bore /Tapping Tools –Using ½” ER-20 Collet Chucks or 25mm tool bushings
•4-Overhead Radial Driven Tool Spindles, 4,000 rpm, 2.0 HP, with ER-20 Collet Chucks
•3-Axial Driven Tool Spindles, 4,000 rpm, 1.0 HP, with ER-20 Collet Chucks
•All Gear-Driven Live Tooling –No troublesome drive belts
•All Spindles feature rigid tapping
Sub-Spindle& Sub-Spindle ToolingWith 9-Backworking Tools, Including 4-Driven Tools
•5 HP, 6000 rpm spindle
•C-axis with full contouring capability and 360,000 positions & G12.1 Polar Coordinate Programming
•Dead-Length Collet Chuck –uses Brown & Sharpe #22, or Traub A-32 Collets (same as main spindle)
•3-Axis Machining Capability –X2, Z2, C2
•4-ER-20 Live Tool stations (or static Turn / Drill / Bore / Tap) for simultaneous front & back machining
•5-Static End Working Drill /Bore /Tap Tools –using ½” capacity ER-20 Collet Chucks or 25mm tool bushings
•9-Total Back Working Tool Positions with up to 4-driven spindles using ER-20 Collet Chucks
•All Gear-Driven Live Tooling –No troublesome belts
•Rigid Tapping on all Live Tools
•4-Driven SubspindleTools supplied with machine –can be replaced with included solid boring bar holders
•Optional Right-Angle live tool or turning tool holder can be placed in inner subspindletool station
“Dead Length” Collet SystemUses both Brown & Sharpe #22Sor Traub A-32 Collets
•Available in Regular and Extended Nose
•Hardinge stocks Brown & Sharpe #22S collets
and produces specials, like extruded shapes, etc.
•Ganesh has $110,000 in Traub Collet Inventory
Ganesh has an extensive inventory of extended nose, hex, square, and metric collets in stock for immediate delivery. Same day shipment on orders received by 2pm PST.
Parts Unloading Solutions
•Standard Parts Catcher and Parts Conveyor is used for parts 5.5” and under in length
•Longer Parts Use Rear Spindle Ejection Option (1” Max. Capacity thru subspindle)
•Optional Sensitive Parts Gripper & Conveyor
Production Ready from the Start –Confirmed!
•Stroke-Control Position Confirmation on Main and Sub-spindle Proximity Switch Confirms that the collet is properly closed
•Cut-off Confirmation –uses M#100 spindle torque to confirm bar cut-off complete
•Part Ejection from the Subspindle Confirmed by Proximity Switch
•Parts Catcher Closed Confirmed by Proximity Switch
•Coolant Flow Confirmation –For both main and sub-spindle pumps
Every command given has completion confirmed!
Ganesh Control Features
•Standard G-Code programming –use existing program geometry
•Subspindle programs just like the main spindle for axis sign designation
•Split-screen for main & sub-spindle program display
•Select Main, Sub-spindle, or Both programs to run during check-out
•Just add wait-marks to existing program geometry and add S & M calls for appropriate spindle, and M08/M09 for correct coolant pump.
•Tool-Life Management with redundant tool call
•Massive 256MB memory + RS-232, RJ-485, & Compact Flash ports. USB available
•MPG Program Check-Out feature –Manual HandwheelRetrace:
•Turn MPG clockwise to advance program and watch for problems
•Turn MPG CCW when issue arises and axis moves will reverse to a clear point
No guide bushing design provides these benefits:
•No Guide Bushing saves guide bushing cost, setup time & hassle= Cost Savings
•Shorter Wasted Bar Remnants = Cost Savings
•Ground Barstock not required = Cost Savings
•Superior cutting rigidity provides much longer tool life = Cost Savings
•Spacious work area for faster setup and better operator access = Cost Savings
•Greater workpiece concentricity
•Heaviest machine in its class: 8,000 lbs
•Most powerful machine in its class: 10-HP
•Most powerful driven tools in its class: 2-HP
•Largest Spindle Bearings in its class: ø110mm
•Largest Driven Tool Bearings in its class: ø42mm
•27 Total Tools, with 11 Live Tool ER-20 Collet Spindles included
•Strong Hydraulic Clamping on Main and Sub Spindle
•Mitsubishi motors and drives throughout
•Over 3,100 CS-32 machines installed worldwide