Coolant Thru Tool Holders

GenSwiss announces the launch of “Coolant Thru” line of coolant through tool holders featuring delivery through the shank providing optimal insert lubrication and cooling, longer cutting tool life and improved Swiss type machining. Holders feature interchangeable coolant orifice plates at the insert top level enable exact control over coolant volume, pressure and velocity as low, medium and high flow action for more efficient chip removal. The holders are available with high pressure to 10,000psi, stock sizes are 1/2" and 5/8" square shank, other sizes available on request. Insert pocket conforms to ISO style turning inserts, 80°, 55°, and 35°. The coolant inlet of the tool holders uses standard NPT fittings, eliminates use of solid coolant delivery lines, allowing for faster setup and more accurate coolant delivery position to the insert. In addition, there is no need for custom proprietary gang plate and no coolant manifold installation is required, or other modifications to the coolant feed systems.

“The new ‘Coolant Thru’ holders improve chip control and removal, extends tool life eliminated, resulting in less insert changes and delivering proper cooling. We and makes running tough jobs easier. Stops to clear chips is think it offers users another option for greater Swiss machining efficiency,” comments Scott Laprade, GenSwiss Marketing Manager.

Genevieve Swiss Industries, Inc. provides specialized tools, accessories, application and process assistance for Swiss Type machining and small parts manufacturing. Products include PCM Rotary Broaching tools, tool holders for Citizen Machines, Star, Maier, Nexturn, Okuma, VDI, Swiss made slitting saws and arbors, polygon and hobbing tools, magnetic finishing and deburring systems, Swiss collet sleeves and chucks, thread whirling attachments, high speed spindles for CNC Swiss machines and premium cutting oils.

Genevieve Swiss Industries, Inc.  6 Old Stage Road, Westfield, MA 01085
Tel. 413-562-4800.  Fax 413-562-4802.