5K race raises funds for manufacturing education

results are in for the Miles for Manufacturing run held at The MFG Meeting in Orlando.

Orlando, Florida - The Miles for Manufacturing 5K run/walk, which debuted at IMTS 2014, was staged again at The MFG Meeting in Orlando. Originated by GIE Media Inc., publishers of Aerospace Manufacturing and Design magazine, and co-produced with AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology, the run/walk was a huge success.

All proceeds from the Miles for Manufacturing 5k Run/Walk will benefit the Max S. Hayes High School in Cleveland, Ohio. The Max S. Hayes High School prepares young men and women for success in life-long learning and work by providing them with customized learning programs in selected career pathways based on their interests, offering programs in CNC machining, CAD, and welding, along with courses in computer design.

Thank you to all race participants. The next Miles 4 Manufacturing event will be in Cleveland, Ohio, during the AMT GFMC in October. #Miles4Mfg

And the results are here.