IMTS 2024 Conference: Software Transforming the Supply Chain with Manufacturing Quality at the Center

Learn about software for supply chain improvement.

Software Transforming the Supply Chain with Manufacturing Quality at the Center with High QA
GIE Media's Manufacturing Group

Wednesday September 11 10:00 AM CST
IMTS37 Room W193-A

About the presentation
In our daily lives, from planes to cars and countless machines, every product stems from a complex web of manufacturing. Despite this, supply chain challenges persist, causing significant losses. One major aircraft manufacturer reported $27B in losses, attributing it to slow supply chain fixes. Delving into the root causes, we discover numerous delays within our control. Quality standards like AS9102 Rev C are on the rise, ensuring top-notch components. However, the influx of delays and requirements presents an opportunity: ensuring buyers communicate precise requirements to suppliers and offering manufacturers easy access to these specifications. Customers desire an end to disparate solutions, cumbersome documents, and outdated spreadsheets. The solution lies in streamlining the entire process, fostering a common quality language from the buyer's initial request to the manufacturer's final product. By employing manufacturing quality software and supplier quality software that articulates all requirements and facilitates seamless communication, we can envisage substantial savings in resources, time, and frustration.

Meet your presenter
Sam Golan dedicated over 15 years to realizing his vision at High QA. He steered the company from inception to its current industry prominence. His commitment to manufacturing quality is evident in High QA's comprehensive suite, featuring HQA 360, a manufacturing quality management software, and HQA HUB, a supplier quality management software. Golan's proficiency in business development, product positioning, market strategy, and team leadership fuels High QA's continuous growth. With over 30 years of international executive experience, he's founded, co-founded, and managed five companies spanning CAD/CAM, PLM, CRM, and knowledge management.