IMTS 2024 Conference: Frequently Asked Questions about AM Post Processing

Learn about post-processing 3D-printed metal parts.

Frequently Asked Questions about AM Post Processing with Rosler Metal Finishing USA
Frequently Asked Questions about AM Post Processing with Rosler Metal Finishing USA
GIE Media's Manufacturing Group

Tuesday September 10 11:00 AM CST
IMTS22 Room W192-A

Learn about the presentation
When 3D printing components so much time is invested in selecting a printer and optimizing the part design, and very little time is spent thinking about post-processing the parts once printed. This presentation reviews the steps used to process 3D-printed metal parts in particular, and goes through some useful examples of how designing for post-processing should be a strategic step in your build process.

Meet your presenter
Bill Barker has been involved in the surface finishing industry for over 33 years and has extensive experience with aerospace and turbine engine special process and finishing applications. He currently is the product manager for Rosler/AM Solutions post-processing equipment for all of North America.