IMTS 2024 Conference: How Their First Robot Purchase Enabled a 70-year Old Company with 11 Facilities on 3 Continents to Profitably Expand their Domestic Manufacturing

Learn about automation on the production floor.

How Their First Robot Purchase Enabled a 70-year Old Company with 11 Facilities on 3 Continents to Profitably Expand their Domestic Manufacturing with Mitsubishi Electric Automation
How Their First Robot Purchase Enabled a 70-year Old Company with 11 Facilities on 3 Continents to Profitably Expand their Domestic Manufacturing with Mitsubishi Electric Automation
GIE Media's Manufacturing Group

Thursday September 12 9:00 AM CST
IMTS52 Room W192-A

Learn about the presentation
Adding automation to your production floor can help lessen the impacts of supply chain and labor issues. In this case, the customer was seeing increased delivery times from their off-shore factories as well as increased shipping costs to bring the parts to North America. They needed to find a way to efficiently manufacture the parts domestically while facing labor cost and availability issues.

Improving the utilization of existing equipment by selecting the right project and partner can lead to an ROI of less than 24 months. In this case study, I will review why the customer needed to add automation to their production floor, the reasons behind the selection of the initial robotic machine tending project, and why it was a success.

Meet your presenter
Patrick Varley is an automation industry veteran with over 35 years of automation experience including systems integration, robot & vision system suppliers, and distribution. In his role as product marketing manager for Mechatronics/Robotics at Mitsubishi Electric Automation, he is driven by the challenge of solving customers’ needs through innovative and durable automation solutions.