JEKTA, ZeroAvia partner on hydrogen-electric amphibious aircraft

To demonstrate a fuel cell variant of an electric amphibious flying boat.

Rendering of the JEKTA PHA-ZE 100 airframe.
Rendering of the JEKTA PHA-ZE 100 airframe.

The Switzerland-based developer of the zero-emissions PHA-ZE 100 amphibious aircraft, JEKTA, selected ZeroAvia’s fuel cell power generation system (PGS) technology to demonstrate the concept of a fuel cell variant of its electric amphibious flying boat. The system will be line-fitted as the PHA-ZE 100 hydrogen variant comes to market.

George Alafinov, JEKTA Switzerland CEO and Val Miftakhov, ZeroAvia CEO, announced the partnership at Farnborough International Airshow 2024.

While battery technology continues evolving, JEKTA is committed to exploring all potential options that will increase the range and payload of the aircraft. Powered by ZeroAvia’s fuel cell PGS, it is anticipated the PHA-ZE 100 will achieve a range of up to 500km or 600km and increase the payload by up to one tonne, adding even more capability to the airframe. Operating and maintenance costs can also be lowered with a hydrogen fuel system supporting a life of up to 20,000 hours. Through close cooperation, JEKTA and ZeroAvia will develop and certify an integrated PGS, including inverters, other electronic components, and a hydrogen tank and fuel system.

“By working with ZeroAvia and defining a suitable fuel cell system, we can offer our potential operator clients the choice of two fuel sources. The hydrogen system delivers a viable alternative to electric battery power that promises a significant increase in the range of our PHA-ZE 100, which will suit operators serving longer regional routes. In contrast, the battery power option will suit shorter-range missions and operators flying in locations where electric power is more cost-effective and accessible,” says George Alafinov, CEO of JEKTA Switzerland. “ZeroAvia holds a strong market position with secure financing, an impressive set of customer commitments and well-developed infrastructure, which all contributed to our decision to work with them.”

ZeroAvia is already flying a prototype of its entire hydrogen-electric powertrain (ZA600) in a 19-seat testbed aircraft. It has developed a range of flexible low-temperature proton exchange membrane (LTPEM) PGS solutions and novel high-temperature PEM (HTPEM) fuel cells for hydrogen-electric aerospace applications.

“The JEKTA team shares our vision of introducing clean aircraft propulsion systems into commercial operations. We are noting a resurgence in the seaplane market, and we’re excited to work with an innovative company that is leading and shaping the future of amphibious aviation. We see the huge potential for creating zero-emission amphibious flights, and we believe hydrogen-electric propulsion will play a big role in this market,” says Val Miftakhov, CEO at ZeroAvia.

ZeroAvia is also involved in global hydrogen infrastructure projects and has partnerships with nearly 20 airports to explore the concept of operations and the hydrogen refueling ecosystem required to support route adoption. The company has also pioneered the testing of electrolyzers for on-site hydrogen generation, hydrogen pipeline technology, and aircraft refueling equipment in an airport environment. Alafinov sees these as essential components supporting an efficient regional amphibious aviation network and plans to work closely with ZeroAvia on both an optimized installation of their PGS in the PHA-ZE 100 and in exploring the infrastructure development with operator customers.

Led by George Alafinov, the international Jekta team has more than two decades of experience designing and building flying boats, including the eight-seat, composite LA-8 and Borey ultralight. It is creating a modern 26,90m2 production and flight test facility within the Swiss Aeropole Cluster in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. It will include design, certification, logistics, maintenance, and sales departments; an assembly hall; quality control laboratory; flight test organization; and administrative offices.

The electrically powered, all-composite PHA-ZE 100 amphibious airframe will be certified to EASA CS-23 and US FAA FAR-23 standards for fixed-wing passenger aircraft. The PHA-ZE 100’s initial flight endurance on battery power is projected at one hour, with a 30-minute reserve, powered by electric motors supplied with energy from batteries or hydrogen fuel cells. The PHA-ZE 100 will operate from coastal waters in waves up to 1.2m high, lakes, waterways, and runways, the latter using its standard retractable wheeled landing gear.