Are you ready to automate operations?

Register for the July 26, 2023, 12PM ET automation roundtable webinar and get your questions answered to start on your automation journey.
GIE Media

Embracing automation is the smart thing to do, if you want to stay competitive, produce better products, and beat the competition. But what does automation encompass? Automation impacts all aspects – from product design to the actual manufacturing process. Today’s automation enhances everything from improving productivity and increasing collaboration to accelerating innovation. Join our webinar to hear from industry leaders about artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) robotics, vision systems, and more, plus where and how to start on a path to automation.

Registration is free, so sign up and join Jake Kauffman, moderator of the July 26, 2023,12PM ET event.

Hear insights to these topics and more:

  • What does a client need to consider when expanding existing automation for production?
  • How data-driven are automation technologies? How ready for Industry 4.0 are they?
  • Currently, how many of your products/technologies/solutions can be automated or worked into an automated system?
  • Is automation being used more in the actual tooling prep and machining or before and/or after in material handling, final assembly, etc.?
  • How important is the human workforce while using an automated system? How do you get worker buy-in if they fear automation will replace them?
  • What do future factories look like in terms of automated systems and operations? What percentage can be automated or will be automated (or is there no limit)?