America Makes
This project call is offering a total of $2.1M in federal funding through the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering Manufacturing Technology Office (OSD(R&E)). This project call features six topics (see below). Four awards are anticipated for topics 1-5 and the maximum funding request must not exceed $225K. Two awards are anticipated for topic 6 and not to exceed $600K. Proposers should reference the RFP for additional details.
Topic Areas
Topics 1-5:
Topics 1-5 result from the actions of the Institute and its membership. Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies offer a range of benefits including unique product geometries, relatively fewer tooling requirements, and shorter lead times compared to other manufacturing methods. The industrialization of AM represents an opportunity to convert demonstrated manufacturing capability to capable manufacturing capacity. Industrialization requires cost-effective operating models and practices. These emerging realities require widespread understanding within the domestic supply chain, including manufacturing operational practices that address sustainability and robust quality control.
- In-Situ Dimensional Verification of Increased Complexity AM Parts
- In-Process Sensor Calibration, Characterization Methods, and Operating Limits to Yield Reliable Process Data
- Characterizing and Correlating Coupon to Part Material Properties
- Novel Low Cost, High Productivity Aluminum Manufacturing
- High-Fidelity Prediction of Residual Stress Distribution in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Topic 6: Analysis of AM Sustainability and Environmental Benefits
This topic seeks responses that outline an approach to develop and demonstrate sustainable AM practices and products through design, material selection and development, material handling, and/or recycling.
Please note the new submission process. All proposals must be submitted electronically via the “Submit Proposal Here” button. Submissions will be acknowledged upon receipt with an electronic email confirmation from NCDMM within 24 hours. If a confirmation is not received within 24 hours, email projectcall@americamakes.us.
NCDMM is not responsible for system malfunctions or undeliverable submissions. It is the proposer’s responsibility to ensure that the submission has been received.
Questions? Please email Cole Miller, Program Analyst.
- Industry Day Kick-off 6/26/2024 at TRX@RAPID (Registration Required)
- Kick-off Webinar Slide Deck
- Questions & Answers
- NEW! Proposal Submission Process
- America Makes Sub-Recipient Agreement (Topics 1-5)
- America Makes Sub-Recipient Agreement (Topic 6)
- NCDMM NDA Agreement
- Cost Proposal Template
- DoD Integrated Roadmap
- America Makes CORE (Digital Storefront)
- Frequently Asked Questions
Membership Eligibility
- The lead proposer/organization must be a current America Makes member. Team members receiving funding must be an America Makes member paid in full by August 1, 2024.
- Paid in full means the organization must fulfill its annual dues via (1) cash payment, (2) have accumulated at a minimum of $15,000 in cost share or (3) a combination of cost share and cash totaling $15,000. Information on how to join America Makes is available on the membership page.
- Membership Request Form
- Membership Project Call Q&A
- Need additional information or clarification? Contact Zane Ross, Engagement Manager.
Project Call Announcement
Project Kick-off – TRX@RAPID | Registration Required
Questions from Proposers about Scope and Approach Due
Responses to Proposers about Scope or Approach Due (All questions and responses will be shared with all proposers on www.americamakes.us)
Fully Executed NDA with NCDMM (only if proposal contains proprietary information)
Deadline for Fully Executed Membership Agreement
Deadline to be an America Makes Member Paid in Full
Proposal Submission Due Date
Anticipated Decision and Notification to Project Proposal Teams
Anticipated Date to have All Projects on Contract
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Which members of the team need to be America Makes members?
Can a team submit more than one Project Proposal?
How do teams ask questions regarding scope and approach?
Can one of our partners be a non-U.S company?
What level of detail needs to be provided when someone is declaring background IP?
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