October 2024
Design & Automation Update: 3-D woven thermal protection system technologies for space missions
Cover Story: IMTS 2024
Additive Manufacturing: How 3D-printed aviation parts can accelerate return to air
Training: 5 tips for upskilling your aerospace machinists
Onboard Energy: The rise of uncrewed vehicles
From the Flight Deck: High turnover rate keeps growing for A&D workforce
Checking In: Progress report on DMG MORI’s Machining Transformation
CNC Insights: Understanding sticking a superabrasive grinding wheel
Gaining Altitude: American password practices
Just Landed: Machine tool digitalization software
Up and Soaring: RapidFlight E2 flies in T-REX demo
Cover Shots: Vertical machining center for multiple, complex curved parts
3D/Additive Manufacturing: Large format hybrid additive manufacturing project
Maintenance, Repair, & Overhaul: Two-component epoxy meets Airbus standards
Aviation Appreciation: Name that plane
On the Radar: Cylindrical bore tool
1 Last Look: X-rays reveal spatter behavior during 3D printing