November/December 2024
From the Flight Deck: AI use cases in manufacturing
Checking In: Star Cutter incorporates TRU TECH brand
CNC Insights: Benefits of in-process monitoring in CNC grinding
Gaining Altitude: Business aviation outlook
Just Landed: Lathe with multi-axis turning
Up and Soaring: RAZOR VTOL aircraft flies
Cover Shots: OEE, production tracking, and data collection software
Maintenance, Repair, & Overhaul: Pratt & Whitney opens Oklahoma City military engines facility
Aviation Appreciation: Name that plane
3D/Additive Manufacturing: Large format resin 3D printer
On the Radar: Cutting tool, insert grade for parting, grooving
1 Last Look: New technology improves structural strength
5 Things You Need to Know: 5 Things You Need to Know about drilling aerospace materials
Strategies for Success: MX - Machining Transformation from DMG MORI combines Process Integration, Automation, DX - Digital Transformation to create efficient processes, optimize resource management, and cut energy use.