Michael Hoke

Michael Hoke is President/Owner of Abaris Training Resources, Inc.

Advanced Composite Structural Repair During Manufacturing

The repair of structural composite parts is not always an option, but when it is, it could be worth significant savings.

Composite Repair Durability

In Part 3, we will look at the durability of composite repairs and how technician training can affect repair longevity.

Repairability vs. Damage: Tolerance in Design

In our first article, we gave an overview of composite repair and discussed bonded vs. bolted repairs, including the latest developments for the new generation of large aircraft such as the Boeing 787, the Airbus A-350, and the Bombardier C-Series. In this, the second of three articles, we will explore designing for repairability versus damage tolerance, and the cost and weight implications of each approach.

Composite Repair

Part one in a three-part series, this article looks at how composites repair, bonded vs. bolted repairs, and issues with large, monolithic composites – such as those found on the Boeing 787, Airbus A350, and Bombardier C-Series aircrafts.