What a Concept

The need for better, more efficient technologies drives competition at a breakneck pace in the aerospace industry.

The need for better, more efficient technologies drives competition at a breakneck pace in the aerospace industry. Companies must research and design the latest and greatest to fill everyday needs as well as niche markets. Each issue, AMD will feature a new concept vehicle, part or technology, and what it may mean to the aerospace world.


The Terrafugia Transition is a "Roadable Aircraft" - as opposed to a flying car - that can take off, fly, land, fold its wings, then drive away. The concept takes the design approach of an aircraft, then works from there to create a roadcapable vehicle for pilots.

Every pilot faces uncertain weather, rising costs, and ground transportation hassles on each end of the flight. The Transition combines the unique convenience of being able to fold its wings with the ability to drive on any surface road in a modern personal airplane platform.

Stowing the wings for road use and deploying them for flight at the airport is activated from inside the cockpit. This unique functionality addresses head-on the issues faced by today's Private and Sport Pilots.

Terrafugia's award-winning MITtrained engineers have been advancing the state-of-the-art in personal aircraft on-schedule since 2006. The Transition has the advantage of modern engines, composite materials, and computer-based avionics. Even more important is the approach being taken by Terrafugia to design a vehicle for pilots that brings additional ground capability to an airplane instead of attempting to make a car fly.

First customer delivery is anticipated to be in 2010. Refundable airframe reservations are currently being accepted to hold a place in production.


  • Cruise: 100kts (115mph)
  • Rotate: 70kts (80mph)
  • Stall: 45kts (51mph)
  • Range: 400nm (460mi)
  • Takeoff over 50ft obstacle: 1,700ft
  • Fuel burn: 5gph
  • Fuel tank: 20 gallons
  • Useful Load: 430 lb On road:
  • 30mpg, 65mph Folded:
  • 6' 9" tall
  • 80" wide
  • 18' 9" long Airplane:
  • 6' 3" tall
  • 19' 2" long
  • Wingspan: 27' 6"
  • Cockpit: 51" at shoulder
  • Front wheel drive on the ground
  • Automotive-style entry and exit
  • Two place, side by side
  • Automated electromechanical folding wing
  • No trailer or hangar needed
  • Cargo area holds skis, fishing poles or golf clubs
  • Drive in case of inclement weather
  • Proven 100hp Rotax 912S engine
  • Full vehicle parachute available
  • Modern glass avionics
  • Automotive crash safety features
March 2009
Explore the March 2009 Issue

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