IMTS 2022 Conference: Serialization & Traceability Using MTConnect

Learn how to use MTConnect to serialize and trace parts.

Serialization & Traceability Using MTConnect with Mazak Corporation
GIE Media’s Manufacturing Group

About the presentation

One of the Foundational use cases of IIOT is the serialization and Traceability of parts throughout the factory. This “Digital Thread” of information can also be used for many other things including Digital TWIN.  Lem explains and shows you how Mazak is making this step easy for you using the ANSI standard MTConnect.

Powered by AMT and managed by GIE Media, The IMTS 2022 Conference features 69 different sessions you won’t want to miss so register today. Focused on a range of topics that include process innovation, plant operations, quality/inspection, and automation, The IMTS 2022 Conference addresses improving productivity; improving part quality; and developing a stable, competent workforce to lower the cost of manufacturing in the United States and create new levels of market demand.

Meet your presenter

Lem Linder, has been with Mazak Corporation for 22 years as an Application Engineer and software developer. His focus at Mazak surrounds Tool Management, as well as custom integration apps for customers. Linder is the primary developer of the ‘patent pending’ Tool Measurement System for the newly released Mazak SYNCREX Swiss style machines. Linder supports many MTConnect projects, and he regularly helps customers begin their journey into the connected factory.

About the company
Mazak Corp. is a leader in the design and manufacture of productivity-improving machine tool solutions. Committed to being a partner to customers with innovative technology, its world-class facility in Florence, Kentucky increased its production capacity to 135 machines per month in 2011. Continuous training and development of the workforce has created a lean culture, which has created opportunities for continuing growth in America. Mazak maintains eight technology centers across North America to provide local hands-on applications, service, and sales support to its customers.