Sandvik Coromant Announces Aerospace Industry Specialist

Sandvik Coromant has appointed Sean Holt to the position of industry specialist for aerospace engines.

Sandvik Coromant has appointed Sean Holt to the position of industry specialist for aerospace engines.

In his new role, Holt will provide support to key aerospace customers in the United States, boosting productivity and coordinating projects to develop sales. He will also identify, analyze, and drive market requirements, as well as develop a network that excels in delivering effective solutions for the aerospace industry.

"Sean boasts a wealth of expertise not only in aerospace manufacturing but also in various machining disciplines," says John Israelsson, president of Sandvik Coromant. "His versatility and exceptional leadership skills make him a vital asset to the Sandvik Coromant team."

Holt brings more than 17 years of aerospace engineering and sales experience to this position, having joined Sandvik Coromant in 2000 as the area sales engineer for aerospacerelated companies in the Midlands region of the United Kingdom. In 2004, Holt was promoted to application development specialist, where he developed new processes for aerospace components through the use of exotic titanium and Heat Resistant Super Alloy material grades. Holt also provided training to key aerospace customers and research center personnel on the effective use of Sandvik Coromant products, surface integrity studies, and application techniques.

November 2007
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