Register TODAY for tomorrow’s Toolholding/Workholding Roundtable!

Don’t miss our panel of industry experts as they discuss trends and answer questions concerning toolholding and workholding systems.
GIE Media Manufacturing Group

Register now to hear this panel of industry experts discuss trends and answer attendees’ questions concerning toolholding and workholding systems.
Topics include:
• Selecting the right toolholding and workholding to increase productivity
• How Industry 4.0/IIoT is enhancing toolholding
• How automation impacts workholding choices
• Advancements in toolholding and workholding in 5-axis machines
• Improve part quality and your bottom line

Our industry experts include:

Michael Gaunce, Vice President, Sales Toolholding and Workholding for Schunk

Larry Robbins, President - Commercial Division for SMW Autoblok

Muhammed Arif, Product Manager for Reid Supply Co.

Nov 18, 2021 12:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register today.