Plant Operations: Protected Flow Manufacturing

Thursday 9/13: 11:00 to 11:55 a.m. / W192-B

Topic Track: Plant Operations
Session Topic: A Paradigm Shift in Shop Floor Scheduling: Can LEAN / TOC Principles Make Finite Capacity Scheduling Simpler and More Effective?

Most manufacturing companies continue to struggle with getting their orders done and shipped to their customers on time. On-time Delivery (OTD) percentages of most companies are less than 90%. Many are lower than 80%. Those that maintain higher than 90% OTD often resort to heroic extra efforts, overtime, and/or expedited material, all of which take a toll on a company’s bottom-line.

Scheduling the shop floor is not an easy task. It takes a lot of work and focus to go live on Advanced Planning and Scheduling software whether standalone or embedded in your ERP. The speaker explains why traditional shop floor scheduling is such a struggle for most manufacturers.

Key takeaways:

  • How to apply Little’s Law to lower WIP and improve flow through the shop floor
  • Uncover the best priority mechanism to focus on the right job at all times
  • How consciously managing ‘buffer time’ on your jobs improves on-time delivery

Protected Flow Manufacturing (PFM) is a revolutionary new Manufacturing Execution and Planning System. PFM is aimed specifically at the crucial area of production execution. Unlike traditional production scheduling, which attempts to create a plan against which to execute on the shop floor, PFM instead continuously and in real-time displays the most current and best production priorities on the shop floor.Following PFM priorities, manufacturers minimize wait times, maximize flow, and dramatically improve customer service levels. PFM is easy to use, fast to implement, and works with any ERP system. With PFM, our customers quickly realize the benefits of truly being able to protect their commitments by delivering on-time, in less time, every time.

IMTS 2018 Booth #121611

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