MITRE opens sUAS experimentation range

MITRE’s small uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) range ribbon cutting drew distinguished guests, including Jeffrey Vincent, executive director of the FAA’s UAS Integration Office, and Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Virginia, who represents the area in Congress.
Photos courtesy of respective companies

Drone technology pioneer MITRE opened a facility in Orange, Virginia, dedicated to small uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS). The site serves as a proving ground for MITRE’s technologists and U.S. government sponsors to develop, test, and evaluate the newest technological advances for commercial robotics, autonomous systems, drones, and counter-drone systems.

“We take great pride in being a trusted partner helping agencies select and evaluate the right UAS and counter-UAS tools for their unique needs,” says Yosry Barsoum, MITRE vice president and director, Center for Securing the Homeland.

“The Drone Range will provide a tremendous opportunity for valuable collaboration amongst government, industry, and academic researchers benefitting the drone community at large,” says Jeffrey Vincent, executive director, UAS Integration Office, FAA.


Teal Drones receives $2.6M purchase order

Drone technology company Red Cat subsidiary Teal Drones received a $2.6 million purchase order to supply the Teal 2 small uncrewed aerial system (sUAS) to the U.S. Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

Teal will deliver 172 units of the Teal 2 plus spare parts and training. This order was requested by U.S. Air Force Security Forces, whose role is to defend Air Force bases and installations.

The procurement was sourced by global operations support company Noble Supply & Logistics LLC as part of the DLA’s Special Operational Equipment Tailored Logistics Support (SOE TLS) Program.

The Teal 2 is equipped with Teledyne FLIR’s Hadron 640R sensor, providing high resolution thermal imaging in a small form factor.;;


Northrop Grumman to design autonomous VTOL aircraft for DARPA

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) Tactical Technology Office awarded a contract to Northrop Grumman Corp. to design an autonomous vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) uncrewed aircraft system capable of operating from a moving U.S. Navy ship at sea.

The AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-Less Launch And RecoverY (ANCILLARY) demonstrator is to be a cost-efficient, multiple-mission capable vehicle built on an agile platform that’s runway independent.

The ANCILLARY demonstrator will carry a 60 lb sensor payload performing intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting missions with greater than 20 hours’ time on station and mission radius of 100nm without using significant additional infrastructure. The system can land on a ship in adverse weather conditions and support expeditionary missions for special operations forces and logistical missions for ship-to-shore transport of parts and supplies.

The small uncrewed aerial system (sUAS) size would allow many aircraft to be stored and operated from one ship creating a tactical beyond-line-of-site, multi-intelligence sensor network capability.;

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