Lazio Region

The central-west district of Italy includes Rome and an extensive aerospace sector.

Lazio Region

The central-west district of Italy includes Rome and an extensive aerospace sector.


Key numbers

23,500 employees

300+ companies (large, medium, and small enterprises)

●       9% Tier 1, 2 (85% of total revenues, 77% of workers)

●       91% Tier 3


Economic impact

$5.6B annual revenue

$2.2B in exports



4 faculties of engineering

12 university departments

30 post-graduate degree university courses

3,000 researchers


Space economy value chain


Propulsion systems

Launcher components

Earth observation, navigation, communication systems


Research & Innovation

Italian Space Agency

National Research Center

National Institute for Astrophysics

Satellite Remote Sensing Joint Force Center

Air Force Experimental Flight Regiment


Lazio Aerospace Technology District (DTA)

●       Founding member of the National Aerospace Technology Cluster

●       Fosters industrial research, training, technology transfer


European Space Agency Business Incubation Center (ESA BIC) Lazio

Services for developing space-tech startups, financial support, tech transfer


ICONS: ADOBE STOCK | map: © awesome artt / Adobe Stock
September 2024
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