Integrated Logistics Records Management

Siemens PLM Software has added an integrated logistics records management capability to its Teamcenter for MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) suite of software.

Siemens PLM Software has added an integrated logistics records management capability to its Teamcenter for MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) suite of software. By integrating logistics planning with the same single source of product and process knowledge shared by engineering, manufacturing and service, Teamcenter delivers full PLM - from requirements to retirement - for aerospace and defense manufacturers, system integrators, and any industry that is applying formal logistics planning for product support.

Historically, logistics data has been created and managed in a range of specialized niche solutions. Interaction between these solutions is typically done manually by highly trained logistics personnel. The resulting process is cumbersome and not well suited to managing change.

Teamcenter's logistics records management solution integrates this functionality and the associated logistics data and processes into the overall PLM continuum. Using structures compliant with previous, existing and evolving standards such as MilStd 1388, Def Std 00-60, and GEIASTD-0007, Teamcenter enhances data integrity and processes with integrated change and configuration management, providing rapid and accurate collaboration across all disciplines in the product lifecycle within a single source of knowledge.

Teamcenter's integration of engineering, logistics and sustainment ensures design for supportability is addressed as an iterative process between engineering and logistics during the design of the main equipment; and that asset maintenance and routine servicing tasks can be performed easily with existing tools and techniques. In addition, design of the support solution itself - including support and test equipment, facilities, storage and transportation - is addressed as part of the product design phase. Finally, Teamcenter ensures proper determination of provisioning and the initial support package. This includes enabling the requirement for spares, special tools and documentation to be defined, together with the quantities required to be procured and delivered to support the operation of the main equipment.

"Teamcenter has been established as the world's most widely used PLM platform due in large part to its unique ability to manage all phases of a product's lifecycle from concept to retirement," says Steve Bashada, vice president of Teamcenter Applications, Siemens PLM Software.

May June 2008
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