Quality: The Measurement System Toolbox - Maximizing Dimensional Measurement Efficiencies

Plan to attend the IMTS 2016 Conferences to learn about high-throughput measurement solutions.

Chicago, Illinois - Just as a modern day construction worker incorporates a variety of tools to maximize his efficiency on the job site, the measurement system of today incorporates a toolbox of efficiency tools for maximized production on the manufacturing floor. This presentation takes a deep dive into the transports, tools, software and sensors that are essential in high throughput measurement without compromise to capability. Not only is there no compromise, these tools are also keys to providing increased capability and accuracy. Imagine for a moment, the economies gained from a measurement system with a tool list that includes; Automated programming, path optimization, high density point cloud non-contact sensors, large field of view optics, part recognition, scanning tactile sensors, model based definition (MBD), high magnification video sensors… The possibilities are endless. Learn how a single automated measurement system with this production toolbox can eliminate bottlenecks with higher throughput, while simultaneously improving process with unprecedented capability and accuracy.

About the speaker
Tom Groff’s professional education includes a degree in Aerospace Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, as well as an MBA with an emphasis in technology management from the University of Phoenix. Tom also holds a Black Belt certification in Lean/Six Sigma.
Groff was previously the co-owner/metrology products manager for Rosco Precision Machinery LLC in Auburn, Washington. While with his current employer, Optical Gaging Products Inc. (OGP), he has held the positions of corporate accounts manager, corporate product manager, and director of quality. Presently, Tom is the North American sales manager for OGP, and is responsible for OGP sales in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Registration for the IMTS 2016 Confrences is open now!