IMTS Aerospace/Aeronautics Innovation Day

Save the date! Register today for the exciting, free session that will captivate and entice you with the mustknow insider information for the action-packed aerospace industry.

Save the date! Register today for the exciting, free session that will captivate and entice you with the mustknow insider information for the action-packed aerospace industry. Wednesday, September 10, 2008, Aerospace Manufacturing and Design will sponsor the Aerospace Day at the Innovation Center presentation during IMTS 2008. The presentation will take place at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in booth D-4168, Lakeside Center, East Building.

As an attendee of this event, you will be on the forefront of the growing aerospace industry. The FAA Aerospace Forecasts predicts that through 2020, the general aviation fleet will increase at an average annual rate of 1.4%, growing from an estimated 226,422 in 2006 to 274,914 aircraft in 2020. In the immediate future, an industry analysis from AIA projects that aerospace industry sales will grow 6%, or $12 billion, to a record $210.6 billion this year. The same study shows that the current backlog of commercial aircraft orders suggests an upward trajectory for at least an additional three to four years.

With so many prospects in the aerospace sectors, demand is high for a knowledgeable workforce. For manufacturers who are not currently in the aerospace market, attendees will learn how to get involved in these operations, as well as what to expect as far as challenges and future opportunities. For those who are already involved in aerospace manufacturing, the overview will help to gain insight and learn new ways to expand your business and tackle cutting-edgeissues in this fast-paced environment. Your questions and needs will be met with an extremely knowledgeable expert, Richard L. Aboulafia from the Teal Group, discussing this exciting, growing market.

The presentation will include overviews and forecasts for all major aviation manufacturing sectors including jetliners, regional aircraft, combat aircraft, and business jets. Aboulafia will also discuss company outlooks, strategies and market shares for all major players in these sectors, as well as an outlook for defense spending and air transportation growth.

Aboulafia is vice president of analysis at Teal Group. He manages consulting projects in the commercial and military aircraft field and analyzes broader defense and aerospace trends. He has advised numerous companies, including most prime and many second- and third-tier contractors in the U.S., Europe and Asia. He also writes and edits Teal Group's "World Military and Civil Aircraft Briefing," a forecasting tool covering over 135 aircraft programs and markets.

Aboulafia writes publicly about aviation and defense, with numerous articles in Aviation Week and Space Technology, the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Military Technology, Avmark Aviation Economist, and Jane's Intelligence Review. He has a regular column in AIAA's Aerospace America. Frequently cited as an aviation industry authority by trade and news publications, Aboulafia has also appeared on numerous television news and radio programs including ABC, BBC, Bloomberg, Reuters, CBS, CNN, NBC, NPR and PBS. He has spoken at numerous conferences, including ATRIF, NAFA, NARA, Network for Aerospace Management in Europe (NAME), and Speednews. He presents a yearly lecture to the National Defense University/Industrial College of the Armed Forces and has served as an expert witness in aerospace markets.

Before he joined Teal Group in 1990, Aboulafia analyzed the jet engine market at Jane's Information Group, served as an aerospace industry consultant for an international trade advisory company and supported research projects at the Brookings Institution. He has a Masters degree in War Studies from King's College, University of London, and a Bachelors degree from George Washington University.

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