EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub opens in Cleveland, Ohio

Innovation Hub powers companies to turn concepts into breakthrough solutions.

Nottingham Spirk

Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) today announced that the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub in Cleveland, Ohio, has opened its new facility. The Hub, which has been supporting clients virtually throughout the pandemic, combines Nottingham Spirk's design, engineering, and product development offerings with the global EY organization's strategy and commercialization capabilities and wavespace network.

"The Innovation Hub uses the power of our physical and digital capabilities as well as our ecosystem of partners to help our clients solve their biggest challenges and opportunities," says Jerry Gootee, EY global advanced manufacturing leader. "From concept to execution, we're able to help our clients move with speed and at scale to turn breakthrough ideas into real and tangible solutions and outcomes."

The Hub's historical, 60,000ft2 facility helps businesses tap into the unlimited potential of new technologies as well as digital, automation and ecosystem platforms to create highly curated experiences across five key strategic areas: product and service innovation, business model transformation, work reimaged, customer experience and digital enterprise realized.

Across the various experience zones and modules outfitted with Microsoft Surface Hubs and interactive displays within the newly renovated space, clients will have the ability to explore practical applications of new technologies including HoloLens augmented reality goggles, virtual reality experiences and a 4K LED touch screen video wall.

"By bringing together people, software and hardware into a real-world production environment, we can help leaders visualize and experience customer-centric solutions," says John Spirk, co-president and co-founder of Nottingham Spirk. "There's no better or faster way to turn great ideas into everyday business realities."

The Hub supercharges business growth by selectively pairing companies with leaders from the cutting edge of science, technology, and business, all while providing the space and time to focus on a problem or opportunity. The addition of in-person and virtual EY wavespace™ methodologies and connectivity to a global wavespace network gives companies the mindset and tools they need to solve problems at speed. The end-product or service can be brought to life through a collaborative effort of modeling, design, prototyping, and deployment.

EY US has assembled an ecosystem of global technology alliances, including Microsoft, Nokia, PTC, and SAP, to support an immersive end-to-end value chain experience.

"The dynamic environment of the Innovation Hub allows PTC to integrate our digital technologies into experience modules that demonstrate solutions and facilitate transformation with connected products and manufacturing equipment," says Howard Heppelmann, PTC general manager, Smart Connected Operations.

To learn how you can experience the Hub and ignite your business growth, visit the EY-Nottingham Spirk Innovation Hub.