Multiwave hybrid laser

The XLS10MWH multiwave hybrid laser material processing platform combines the laser energy from CO2 lasers of 9.3µm or 10.6µm and a fiber laser of 1.06µm into the simultaneous delivery of a single beam. By allowing laser configurations of multiple wavelengths, this technology opens up new possibilities for laser material processing:

Laser cutting – The beam cuts completely through material along the designated path, creating polished, high-quality edges.

Laser engraving – The beam vaporizes material to a user-controlled depth, creating a flat surface with a high-quality finish.

Laser marking – The beam modifies the material surface, creating permanent marks without removing material or impacting surface integrity.

The XLS10MWH offers a range of material and laser process capabilities, including cutting, marking, and engraving both organic and inorganic materials. The control of lasers individually or simultaneously provides infinite laser energy combinations for the development of new laser material processes, offering advantages in advanced material processing of engineered materials, including reinforced polymers, composites, nanocomposites, and even hybrid materials.

The XLS10MWH is designed for high acceleration and speed plus precision and accuracy. The Laser System Manager control and management software delivers ease of use in any environment, and industrial accessories include the UAC 4000 Air Cleaner and Fire Suppression Unit.


  • Universal camera registration (UCR) locates and determines the exact positions of registration marks on printed materials; software adjusts a predefined cut path to fit the material.
  • Modular laser sources combine a laser platform and one or more pre-aligned, interchangeable laser sources to make a complete laser material processing system.
  • True Class 4 material pass-through mode accommodates laser processing of continuous materials, such as long sheet goods or rolled materials.
  • SuperSpeed pulses two lasers independently, allowing for two lines of a raster image to be marked.
  • Laser Interface+ laser print driver combined with the universal control panel gives a choice of automatic or manual control over power, speed, pulses per inch, and other system settings.
  • High power density focusing optics allow the laser beam to be focused to a much smaller spot, producing sharper images at tighter tolerances.
  • 1-Touch Laser Photo software makes any photographic image suitable for laser engraving.


Universal Laser Systems Inc.

October 2014
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