Alternative Manufacturing - Proto Labs

Monday, 9/12

1:15 to 2:10 p.m. / Room W-192-B

Session Topic: Designing for the DMLS Process

Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) is an emerging additive manufacturing technology that has great potential to change the way parts are manufactured. To achieve this, it will be necessary to put aside some of the conventional manufacturing design rules and look for ways to take advantage of the additive manufacturing (AM) process. Some benefits of AM, such as reduction of components, can lead to reduction of weight and quicker assembly times. Complex features and internal channels that are impossible to machine can also be created. It is important to first understand the limitations of the process in order to design accordingly. We will discuss some of these limitations. A few limitations may be: surface finish, internal features, stresses, and support requirements. Knowing how to work around some of these limitations will open up many new design opportunities.

Jonathan Bissmeyer

Senior Quality Engineer
Proto Labs

Jonathan Bissmeyer is a rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing engineer at Proto Labs focusing on direct metal laser sintering, DMLS, stereolithography, and SL technologies.

Proto Labs is the world’s fastest manufacturer of custom prototype and low-volume plastic, metal, and liquid silicone rubber parts. Our proprietary software and automated manufacturing processes allow for quick-turn 3D printing, CNC machining, and injection molding. Within our three services, we have multiple rapid prototyping and low-volume production processes to choose from. Each process serves a distinct purpose, from concept models to form, fit, and function testing to short-run production that bridges the gap to large-scale manufacturing.

Product developers can upload their 3D CAD model online and receive an interactive quote with free design analysis and real-time pricing information within hours. The manufacturability analysis helps customers eliminate problems, like sink or internal undercuts, during prototyping so modifications can be made early and often. It’s an iterative process that lets designers and engineers avoid development speed bumps, so they can get their products to market as fast as possible.

IMTS 2016 Booth #N-72

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